Monday, December 3, 2012

Culture Initiative's 4 Year Anniversary Show: "FOUND" 12/15/12

Culture Initiative is proud to present our 4 year anniversary show, “FOUND”
 An evening showcase of assemblage art and eclectic musical talent.

as·sem·blage /əˈsemblij/ - a sculptural composition consisting of an arrangement of miscellaneous objects or found materials.

This show was inspired by the rare occasions we’ve had artists submit work made from found objects. We thought what a great way to challenge artists and make a party out of it.
Please join us.
316 Remount Rd., Charlotte, North Carolina 28203

Theron Ross, Martique Lorray, Sarah Pollock, Virginia Dunn, William Pucket, Lauren Puckett,
The Nikoncyk's, Archer Watkins, Jessica Schular, Nico Amortegui, Rosalia Torres-Weiner,
Sean Kernick, Laura Ewing, Brian K. Raynor, April Nichols, Cody Hare, KT Hernandez,

Jonathan Rice, Brandon Willett, Scott Partridge,
Matthew Rupp, Greggory Bradford, Oliver French, Kat Sweet, Athur brouthers, Joel Tracey,
Gabriel Devereux, Melanie Sherwood, Melissa Wineman, Patrick Harris, Melissa Anderson,
Lydia Goldbeck, Jeremy Thompson, Desta Stutts, Kevin Harris, Graham Carew, Meredith Jones,
Brianna Chen, Kate Vasseur, Bart Cusick, Courtney Valvo, Erich Moffitt, Amy Tynan, Ali Loncar,
Jenna Colhouer, Chris Myers, Amy Bagwell, Daniel Hewat, Scott Whiteside, Bethany Hadden,
Joanna Nowack, Liz Clark, Lee Ann Harrison, Shane Agostinelli, James Smith, & Chad Beroth.

With live musical guests:

RACHEL KATE, Charleston SC




JUSTIN ASWELL!/groups/62936265529/

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

"The Queen of Comedy" by Brian K. Raynor

"The Queen of Comedy" is a  tribute to Phyllis Diller.  1917-2012

I spoke to her once on The John Boy and Billy BIG SHOW.  
She was a funny old broad.   

"My photographs don't do me justice - they just look like me." Phyllis Diller

"Pink Bunny" by Brian K. Raynor

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. 
“People go through challenging moments of losing people and of having their life threatened from illness and real grief. But they get through it. And that's the testament to the human spirit and it's -- we are fragile, but we also are divine”.  Sheryl Crow


Monday, October 1, 2012

"Are you kidding me?"

This is a charicature I did of a coworker. Had it  turned into edible art in the form of his Birthday Cake.  

"Bloody Rain" by Brian K. Raynor

I painted "Boody Rain" on this past bloody, rainy Saturday 9/29/12.   5"x7" Acrylic on Canvas Board.

"Check Me Out!" by Brian K. Raynor

"Check Me Out!"  is  5" x 7" Acrylic on Canvas Board.   Painted September 29, 2012.

Monday, August 13, 2012

"Monster July" by Brian k. Raynor

July was a MONSTER of a month for many reasons. It also took ALL month to finish this painting.   I'm not so handy with the spray paint.   

Friday, July 6, 2012

"Mexiskull" by Brian K. Raynor

Mexiskull" by Brian K. Raynor
I think I did this in 2009.  Probably for Charlotte's now defunct Rockabilly BBQ. 
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas board.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Monday, June 25, 2012

self portrait 6/25/2012 by Brian K. Raynor

So I sketched this out while doing characatures of people I work with.   I really don't have the big gappy teeth like this but it adds to it.

Monday, April 23, 2012

"Barred Owl" by Brian K. Raynor

I painted "Barred Owl" on Saturday, April 21, 2012.  My friends Douglas and Amy Patterson have a family of Barred Owls that have nested on their property for a couple years now.   I sometimes hear owls at night but never see them around my house.   I do see doves, crows, cardinals and an occasional band of wild turkeys but never an owl. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"Elvis Lives" by Brian K. Raynor

"Elvis Lives" by Brian K. Raynor
 This is my first painting of 2012.  Painted in January in remembrance of Elvis's birthday.   Acrylic/Mixed Media on stretched canvas.  Headlines ripped from the pages of a "vintage" NATIONAL ENQUIRER.  It's obvious that Elvis did not die - how else would he be spotted at Wal-Mart?   Drugs or UFOs took the KING from his spotlight.   He is gone but not forgotten (as the old saying goes).