Good judgement.
Good cover.
Good book.

The book was A PRAYER FOR OWEN MEANY by John Irving. I found it in a thrift store. I put it on a bookshelf and forgot about it. Then a couple years later I noticed another cool book cover at a yard sale. I bought that book and was putting it on the bookshelf and realized it was the same title as my thrift store find. I assumed the universe wanted me to read it and so I began.
I loaned a copy to my sister and we would discuss what we had read from time to time. I realized that I actually loved the characters and the story so much that I slowed the process of reading it down so that it would last longer. Sometimes I would reread chapters so that the story would not come to an end. It finally did,... a year later.
The 1998 feature-length film "Simon Birch", directed by Mark Steven Johnson, was loosely based on the novel. That was a terrible movie. I'd have to say it may be better to judge a book by it's cover than to judge a book by it's movie.
Your memory is shot. I gave you a copy of that book...whether it was a thrift store find or not, I don't know. BUT, the irony of all of this is that the only reason I ever even purchased the book was because I loved the cover as well. It was the *first* hard cover book I bought - I was 15.
But, I'm pleased to know you finally finished it - and loved it. It's my all time favourite modern literature, maybe even classical literature...
That is SO funny because I JUST had a fleeting thought that maybe you HAD given or loaned me the 2nd copy of the book and I was on the way to this blog to EDIT the entry and,... BAMMMM!...there you are SLAPPING me in the face with your COMMENT about my elusive memories. ;) Thanks. Really, no sarcasm, thanks for the reminder.
I was not slapping. I do not slap.
I'll keep my righteous comments to myself from now on.
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