Monday, July 28, 2008
N Myrtle Beach
Went to Myrtle Beach, SC this past weekend with Jem, Lauren & Autumn. Stayed at the Apache Campground in N Myrtle. It's a nice place. Autumn's grandfather has a mobile home there. Had a good time. We got there Friday evening after Autumn took a wrong turn... the scenic route... with no gas stations in sight. Jem was on his motorcycle and was afraid he'd run out of fuel before we found a station. We had dinner on the pier at Apache. It is the longest pier on the East coast. Watched fireworks going off. Saturday we went to the beach for some sun and later to "tut" shops at Broadway at the Beach. Had dinner at Nakato's Japanese Steakhouse. I don't like Japanese steakhouses because I don't eat rice nor noodles so I usually am still hungry when I leave. And i was Saturday night! So Saturday night we hung out at the trailor and invibed. Sunday morning I got up and went out alone to the beach. I swam a little. We had lunch at the pier, hung out on the beach and headed back toward home aound 3:30pm.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thrift Store Find
There is a beautiful young lady that I see when I go to Value Village thrift store in Kannapolis, NC. I've only seen her twice. She's a customer. I haven't spoken to her because I'm not sure how old she is. I'd like to hope at least 18 as she did catch my eye and I'm pretty sure I caught hers. Long fair hair and porcelin skin,... just beautiful. Sounds silly but I feel sort of dizzy when when I see her.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday night, the 16th, I took my "classic" but decrepit 2001 Kia Sephia to
FOLGER KIA at 5701 E Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28212 to talk about trading in. My salesman was none other than a Mr. James Brown! "HEH! Hit me" He was a pretty cool guy fom NY. I liked my 2001 Kia, so I can't say for sure that Folger Kia "sold me" as much as I just had to replace the battered "classic". Anyway, I ended up buying a 2008 Kia Spectra. I wanted grey, silver or blue but it's black. Not a great deal of amenities but AC was my main focus and a good price. And I got that. My previous Kia was a dependable, fuel efficient vehicle. I think this Spectra will be the same. FOLGER KIA (704) 569-3300 or (888) 247-0384. Stop by and see James Brown and tell him Brian K. Raynor sent you. "See ya, Folger Kia".
FOLGER KIA at 5701 E Independence Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28212 to talk about trading in. My salesman was none other than a Mr. James Brown! "HEH! Hit me" He was a pretty cool guy fom NY. I liked my 2001 Kia, so I can't say for sure that Folger Kia "sold me" as much as I just had to replace the battered "classic". Anyway, I ended up buying a 2008 Kia Spectra. I wanted grey, silver or blue but it's black. Not a great deal of amenities but AC was my main focus and a good price. And I got that. My previous Kia was a dependable, fuel efficient vehicle. I think this Spectra will be the same. FOLGER KIA (704) 569-3300 or (888) 247-0384. Stop by and see James Brown and tell him Brian K. Raynor sent you. "See ya, Folger Kia".
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Last years drought has made me lazier than ever when it comes to mowing the grass. The rain (almost every evening) this month has my weeds growing like ... weeds. I live on a hill and that's the part that puts me off. Pushing a mower up the hill or stirring up a mess with the weedeater. There are grass shoots almost waist high, so I can't put it off any longer. Tomorrow I may take a half day off to tend to it.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
"Lady" by Brian K. Raynor

"Lady", sold to Allison & Shannon at the Rockabilly BBQ. Ran into them last night at Wal-Mart. It's either Wal-Mart or Wanda's Thrift store in Concord that our paths cross. Allison sells vintage clothes, etc. Shannon is a musician. He plays harmonica.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The 4th of July
The 4th of July was not a blast. It mostly fizzled. Went to a cook-out with the usual group of friends: Mike, Lisa & Chloe; Doug, Amy & Jacob; Melonie, Craig & Odin; Charles, Darlene, Elizabeth & Hannah; Scott, Bethany & Corban; Carol; Autumn; and Mark (aka X) & Taffey. If there was anyone else there,... I forget. Fired off some fire works in the rain as we sat under the carport breathing in the sulphuric smoke. People ate and talked and children played and whined. I wasn't really engaged in any of the conversation nor the fireworks. I did my share of eating! I wasted most of that weekend doing nothing,... My way of celebrating our INDEPENDENCE. Freedom to be a lazy, good for nothing.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Car Accident
In May I had the back bumper of my "2001 CLASSIC KIA SEPHIA " (Mad TV had a skit about that car) repaired after being rearended at a stoplight. Last evening.... I got rearended again. Same situation, at a stop light, light turns green-WHAM! This one hit me so hard it knocked my sunglasses off my face and I didn't even feel my car apparently hit the car in front of me. There may be an invisable sign on that car that says "HIT ME". Since 2001 it has been hit at least 6 times. I think I need a job, closer to home, so close that I could simply walk to work. A job closer to home or a personal helicopter to get me to and from work. There's no good mass transit system between my house and work.
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