Celebrity deaths usually occur in threes,... or fours...

Was not and am not caught up in the David Carradine hype over the allegations and suspicions associated with his death. Sad that whatever he may have been into in his personal life could not remain personal.

At his age, Ed McMahon's death was inevitable. Unfortunate that in his golden years he had the financial hardships.

Farrah Faucett's death came as no surprise yesterday. Cancer is brutal. The treatment sometimes is more insult to injury.

Michael Jackson's sudden death yesterday was a shock. A pop culture icon for almost as long as he lived. A great artist. A misfit. An accused pedophile. Now unable to defend himself from whatever allegations (true or false) may arise against him.

Celebrities, Icons, Mega Stars but in the end dead,... just like so many men who die with speculation revolving around the final circumstances,... like so many elderly people who live solid lives and due to whatever series of unfortunate events are destitute in their golden years,... like so many women who's bodies are robbed of life and physical beauty by cancer,... like many people with so much potential and with so many people depending on them losing their lives suddenly. Ordinary people fade without notice.

The mass mourning of celebrities is almost annoying to me. Can't explain why. Wait until it is your mother, your wife, your sister , your father, your husband, your brother, your lover, your friend. That is or will be mourning.
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