Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Forward

Tonight we SPRING FORWARD an hour and lose an hours sleep. How will I manage the time change?!! :( Getting up an hour earlier is torture! I don't understand why ,as a state or country, we don't just do away with DAYLIGHT SAVINGS and let everyone enjoy the extra hour of sleep. I heard on NPR that in the 1950s and 1960s states decided rather arbitrarily when to start or even if to start DAYLIGHT SAVINGS and that on a certain bus route from WV to OH one would need to change their time on their watch 7 times over a 30 minute ride to keep up with the varied regulations. We don't need to be as inconsistent as they were back then and thank GOD we're not but I don't see the need for it anymore. Maybe we could all just SPRING AHEAD 30 minutes and leave it alone.

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